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Allergy testing
allergy testing

Allergy Testing at Capo Nose and Sinus Center

How can you enjoy each day to its fullest when you are constantly feeling stuffy and fatigued? Allergies make life complicated, and they can be putting your long-term health at risk when left untreated.

Allergy testing has taken off in popularity in the United States. However, this has resulted in many providers overlooking the important comprehensive exam that should come before every allergy test.

What is allergy testing?

Testing for allergies is the process of discovering what allergens are causing your allergic reactions and the severity of the reactions. Common allergens that are usually tested include food, pet dander, pollen, and dust mites. Tests can be administered through a skin prick or blood test.

Up to 40 allergens can be tested during a skin prick test. During the test, your skin is pricked with small amounts of allergens to reveal how your skin reacts. Your allergy test will not show the full picture of your sinus health.

A comprehensive test should include:

  • The patient’s list of symptoms
  • A full exam with CT scan
  • An allergy testing recommendation
  • Allergy testing
  • Discussion of treatment options
Learn about your treatment options here

What are the risks of having an allergy test outside of my ENT's office?

As mentioned above, there has been an increase in allergy testing throughout the United States. With this increase comes allergy testing centers that don’t provide their patients with comprehensive examinations. This lack of comprehensive exams can lead to the true cause of your sinus symptoms being missed.

A comprehensive exam at your ENT office will allow your doctor to rule out sinus issue causes like nasal polyps or a deviated septum before moving on to allergy testing. Without undergoing a full range of tests, you will not be able to determine the true underlying cause of your sinus issues which means your treatment plan may not be effective.

Get your allergies tested at Capo Nose and Sinus Center

At Capo Nose and Sinus Center, we can give you a comprehensive exam and treatment plan that will have you enjoying life once again.

I need allergy relief

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